
Activate Virtual Event July 2024

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Free Event

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Event begins at 10:00 am MDT

Brandon Cunningham

Brandon and his wife Lynette Cunningham know the uphill battle of constantly having to trade time for money. After the economic recession hit their real estate investment company, the daily stress of making everything work started to hit them.

While neither had much experience with network marketing, they had business experience, which taught them the value of a good opportunity – and they weren’t going to let this one pass them by. 
Looking back a year later, both Brandon and Lynette recognize the decision to join LifeVantage as a turning point for the better in their lives and recognize that moment as the best decision they ever made. 
In just two years, they had replaced their income. After four years, they had catapulted to the top ranks of the business. 

Now the days of trading time for money are long gone. Brandon and Lynette are now able to focus that time on helping others find the same joy of no longer trading time for money with other like minded individuals.
Their message is simple: most people either have time or money, but not both. Now there’s a better way that doesn’t force you to choose between the two, and that’s LifeVantage.

Daniel Song

Daniel K Song is a seasoned network marketer with over 20 years of experience. He lives in Los Angeles, CA, with his wife and four children. Initially, Daniel worked in creative design before venturing into network marketing in 2002, where he quickly became a top income earner. After his first company closed, he joined a new organization and set records in advancement.

In his next roles, Daniel played a key role in building successful teams and contributing to significant revenue growth. He consistently ranked among the top five earners for over eight years. His leadership also extended to product development and rebranding efforts.

Outside his primary roles, Daniel is a respected speaker and faculty member at network marketing training events. He remains committed to marketing wellness and nutritional products, sharing his expertise with the wider network marketing community.

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